Here's just a small sampling of the web content, newsletters, reports & other writing projects I've worked on over the years. 


WANA: A community for people with chronic illness

I write web content for WANA - an app that is designed to provide community for those living with chronic illness.

University of Toronto Faculty of Nursing


In addition to writing web articles, I write speaking notes, internal & external newsletter content, social media posts, marketing & recruitment materials, research reports, magazine articles, and more.

2018-2020 Research Report: I interviewed all researchers featured, and wrote all of the articles featured in the report.

Summer House Detox Center

I write blog posts for a medical detoxification/rehabilitation center located in South Florida.


Wrote the web copy & brochure copy for the not-for-profit organization, The Arthritis Society.

Pulse magazine

I work as the editor & occasional photographer for Pulse Magazine, a Faculty of Nursing at the University of Toronto alumni magazine. 


Dewberry Capital Corporation is a leading real estate company headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. I wrote all of the content for their website. 

Anthros Medical PVC

Anthros PVC is a medical supplies company. I wrote all of the web content for their website.